Nový partner spoločnosti Solupak v oblasti odpadového hospodárstva
Here at Solupak we are proud of our eco-friendly credentials and have recently joined forces with Associated Waste Management to further strengthen our environmental track record.
AWM are a carbon-neutral company, and market-leaders in pioneering the latest recycling-led solutions to waste management, in order to avoid unnecessary landfill.
They also hold the ISO 14001 accreditation, which is awarded to companies to establish an effective Environmental Management System.
Here at Solupak we continually strive to reduce the amount of waste and packaging generated by the delivery of cleaning solutions and other chemicals.
Our revolutionary water soluble delivery systems are effective, safe and offer great value for money as well as being eco-friendly. Our efforts have been recognised by Environmentálna značka as well as Cruelty Free International.
We supply our own brand cleaning products as well as providing water soluble packaging for other products and manufacturers.
We manufacture water soluble films using advanced PVOH technology and all our products are formulated, blended, packaged and tested at our own purpose-built facility.
Solupak are on a mission to save the planet and we are very happy to have AWM Waste Management as an ally.
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