Wir freuen uns, einen Beitrag zur Unterstützung unserer lokalen Gemeindeteams zu leisten
2020 has been a start, stop, start, stop kind of year for sport!
Every sport, including football, has been affected by the pandemic – grassroots, amateur and professional football clubs up and down the country have had their training and matches disrupted in some way.
Garforth Rangers AFC is an FA Charter Standard Community Club located in Leeds with amateur football teams of all ages. Their players range from girls and boys aged just 4 years old in their Development Squad, right through to men and women adults who play in the West Yorkshire Association Football League and West Riding Womens League.
Solupak has close links with the club and is delighted to be able to support Garforth during the challenges that the 2020/21 season has encountered. In light of the increased focus on protecting everyone’s health and safety, we have committed to donate enough of our Soluclean Disinfectant Detergent spray for the full season to help contribute to the club’s mandatory PPE equipment list. This product is used to clean goals, corner posts, balls and all equipment for training and matches. The cleaner’s effective formulations and EN 1276 certification means that the club can be reassured that they are doing everything they can to keep staff, players and observers, protected from the risks associated with the spread of infectious disease.
Pictured here is Gary Johnson, Garforth Rangers COVID Officer receiving the gift of cleaners from Solupak Managing Director, Alex Thomson, at Solupak’s HQ. Also pictured is Marcus McDonald, Garforth Rangers Under 8s Manager. Solupak proudly sponsors Marcus’ team of young players and supplies the match day kits for these budding junior footballers. Marcus has recently joined our team here at Solupak as our new national sales manager, so we will definitely be retaining our close links with the club and keeping up to date with how his team of youngsters is progressing on the pitch.
It appears that Solupak attracts football loving employees and we are always keen to support them. Luke Wilson, who works in our production and quality department, plays in goal for Thackley AFC, a Premier Division Northern Counties East Football League team. This season, and for the first time, Solupak was delighted to sponsor Luke and earlier in the season, the football fans amongst us travelled to his away match at Garforth Town AFC to watch him and his team play.
We hope to be watching all of our sporting colleagues and friends on the pitches again very soon!